Yay! I’ve got Kelly & Glen’s wedding photos! WOooohooo! Gavin Holt, the photographer, took some amazing photos. I highly recommend him! Thanks Kel for the awesome review on Project Wedding. If you’re planning a Chinese American wedding, first learn about some of
Cambodian Wedding
I went to a Cambodian wedding this past weekend. The traditional ceremony lasts three days, but Sothy and Sophea condensed the ceremonies in 4 hours. It was a very colorful wedding with lots of props and delicious Cambodian cuisine. Check out
Lazy Susan Round Table Decor
For the asian brides out there looking for clever ways to decorate their round table with a lazy susan, here are some inspirations I found from asian bridal magazines. If the lazy susan at the restaurant is not appealing, you
新娘物語 I Do Wedding Magazine
I bought a new Chinese wedding magazine today, called Weddings. It’s distributed in Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. I got mine from Life Plaza in Arcadia, CA. I love that it contains wedding planning advise from industry professionals,