You asked for it, here are the recipes for the dreamy cloud inspired cocktail created by Cali Craft Cocktails. Skyward Bound Egg white .5 sugar 1oz lemon 2oz gin Float of Curaçao Collins, mint garnish Aviation .5
Dreamy Cloud Inspired Cocktails

You asked for it, here are the recipes for the dreamy cloud inspired cocktail created by Cali Craft Cocktails. Skyward Bound Egg white .5 sugar 1oz lemon 2oz gin Float of Curaçao Collins, mint garnish Aviation .5
Celebrating the bigger events in life are just as exciting to look back on as they are to live it. Whether you’re a fan of print or digital, using a photo booth frame prop at your next big event is
DIY Tutorial #1 The latest trend in wedding decoration is an over-the-top gorgeous balloon garland. Use it to decorate the wedding venue such as ceremony altar, reception entrance, cake table, or sweetheart table. You can easily make one yourself following
I understand that sometimes there isn’t a budget for a seasoned wedding planner to help you through the process, and that’s ok! There are plenty of wedding planning resources available online and in print that can guide you along the
Hey! Recently engaged? Congratulations! Take a couple of weeks and soak up the happiness; share the new with family and friends; change your relationship status on social media; flash that engagement ring to co-workers. When you’ve done all of the
Hola! I’m sharing yet another awesome venues with you. Ruby Street The Ruby Street, oringally built as a church in 1895, is located in Highland Park. It features spacious indoor and outdoor areas to host events and weddings. With beautiful
準備事項 傳統訂婚行聘禮品 訂婚當天,傳統的台灣禮俗「行聘禮品」,無論採用「大聘禮」、「小聘禮」或以「米香」做禮餅,除了用禮餅為行聘的主要禮品外,還採用其他禮品來配合以示隆重。 一般禮品 1.熟牲禮:童子雞 (即將生蛋而尚未生蛋的小母雞) 一隻、魚一條、肉一塊及米酒一罈,寓有起家、誡示婦德、室家吉祥、期作賢妻良母之意。 2.四色糖:桔餅、冬瓜糖、冰糖、糖果,象徵甜甜蜜蜜、白頭偕老、無限幸福之意。 3.香炮燭金:香(無骨透腳青),炮(大鞭炮和大火炮),燭(龍鳳成對喜燭),用來敬告祖先、互相祝福、吉祥平安、增添喜氣、兩家聯親、事業興振之意。 4.斗二米:男方準備十二斤糯米、三斤二兩砂糖,送給女方做紅湯圓的材料,有團團圓圓、美美滿滿之意。 5.麵線:象徵兩姓聯姻,美滿姻緣一線牽、福澤綿長、子孫幸福無涯之意。 6.福圓:即龍眼乾、桂圓,用來祝福子孫興旺,含有龍的傳人、圓滿多福、代代相傳、生生不息之意。 7.上頭布:乃男女雙方互贈的禮品,男方備有六禮,女方回報十二至十六種,所選之禮品均為日常生活之所需,寓有全福全壽、吉祥喜慶之意。 特別禮品 1.半豬:生豬肉半隻或洋火腿(十八或三十六條),表示豐碩誠懇的敬意。 2.生雞:閹雞六隻,表示婚姻基礎永固、內外一片祥和蓬勃之氣。 3.鮮魚:名貴鮮魚六條,表示有頭有尾年年有餘。 4.好酒:二十四瓶,表示一年二十四節氣都平平安安、愛情濃郁。 5.麵線:表示福澤綿長之意。 共同禮品: 1.大訂用:傳統行聘用「金錢」為重禮,通常選用新鈔票以紅紙圈起,男方送女方之禮品:衣料、皮包、鞋子、腰帶、手錶、手鐲、耳環、頭飾、化妝品、被褥、頭巾、絲襪、茶具、針線盒….等,女方送男方之禮品:皮鞋、皮帶、皮夾、領帶、衣料(西裝)、襪子、手錶、袖扣、領帶夾、刮鬍刀、帽子、襯衫….等。 2.小訂用:選用新鈔票以紅紙圈起,金額較大訂少。 3.金飾:金戒指、金手鐲、金項鍊或鑽石項鍊、鑽戒….等。 現代訂婚行聘禮品 一、男方應備辦的禮品 1.聘金 2.金飾(戒指、手鐲、項鍊等)及手錶 3.禮餅 4.四色糖(桔餅、冬瓜糖、冰糖、糖果)、茶葉、龍鳳燭一對、排香一對、祖紙一對、龍鳳炮一對 5.酒水牲禮(酒一瓶、洗手雞一隻) 6.斗二米、福圓、糖仔路、伴頭花一盒、半豬(或洋火腿十八、三十六條)、麵線六束、好酒二十四瓶 7.饋贈女方之禮品(衣料、皮包、皮鞋….等) 8.酒席禮(壓桌禮) 9.媒人禮 10.依地方禮俗可另備:廚儀:廚師禮, 端儀:端菜服務禮, 盥洗儀:端臉盆水禮, 攜儀:迎送接待禮, 簪儀:化粧禮, 捧茶儀,