Why Personal Vows:

We’ve all seen our fair share of on-screen weddings and it’s always the same cookie-cutter I Do I Do script. Surely you want something more meaningful for your own wedding ceremony. Writing a personal wedding vow is a chance to tell your partner how much you love, adore, and appreciate one another. It’s also a way to broadcast your dedication and share with your family and friends your happiness.
Where to Start?
BHLDN has the best questions to help you get inspired on what to write.
Your Past: Looking Back on Your Love Story
- What was your first impression of your partner? To spark your memory, revisit the early days of your relationship through old pictures, love notes, etc.
- What’s a favorite memory you have together?
- Think of a time your partner put your happiness first.
- Think back to the moment you knew you wanted to spend your life with your partner. Describe the moment and how you felt.
- Write down a few of your favorite inside jokes.
Your Future: Looking Forward to Your Marriage
- Close your eyes and picture the two of you together in 5 years, 10 years, 30 years. What does your marriage look like?
- What are some things you can do (emotionally, mentally, physically) to ensure you reach these milestones together?
- Write down the reasons why you love your partner.
- Write down the reasons why he or she loves you.
- How will you strive to be the best version of yourself in your marriage?
Finally, choose up to five words below that hold the most meaning to your relationship:
Trust | Partnership | Challenges | Lucky | Laughter | Growth | Safety | Adoration | Dreams | Sharing | Faith | Soulmate | Family | Best Friend
Source: https://www.bhldn.com/weddingresources/simple-guide-to-wedding-vows

Here are some tips:
- Don’t wait till the last minute and procrastinate. Plan to start an outline 2 months before the wedding.
- Talk to your partner to set the tone, structure, and duration of your vows.
- Share a memory or story about the two of you. Avoid mentioning embarrassing and awkward moments.
- Add favorite quotes, poems, reading, to help expressing your love and intentions.
- https://www.thespruce.com/personalize-your-wedding-vows-3490166
- https://www.womangettingmarried.com/guide-to-writing-your-own-wedding-vows/
- https://apracticalwedding.com/wedding-vow-examples/
- https://www.shutterfly.com/ideas/how-to-write-wedding-vows/